Closed (moved)
报错信息如下: CREATE claim contract failed, err: send INVOKE_CONTRACT failed, failed, rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = grpc: received message larger than max (11514671 vs. 10485760), resp: code:INTERNAL_ERROR message:"rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = grpc: received message larger than max (11514671 vs. 10485760)" tx_id:"1721a637db15cbc8caefa8d4d69bf40527d91d1686a64e49a38fe74ee636c2be" 2022/10/26 22:54:56 QUERY_CONTRACT failed, txStatusCode:4, resultCode:1, contractName[CHAIN_QUERY] method[GET_TX_BY_TX_ID] txType[QUERY_CONTRACT], no such transaction, chainId:chain1
To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage. More information