Node Exception Handling Report: panic: engine start failed. error: %+v idx out of range
- bug
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When modifying configurations to start a node, I encountered an error in the exception handling message that included %+v
. Normally, this should be part of a formatted string, and if matched properly, it should not appear in the printed output.
After analyzing the exception stack step by step, I located the issue at /root/go/pkg/mod/
. The problem occurs in line 114, where the method e.log.Panic
is used for output. This method does not format strings but directly outputs comma-separated contents.
The e.log
object has another method, Panicf
, which can format strings for output. Replacing Panic
with Panicf
would allow the output to be formatted properly.
chainmaker-go 的 log/system.log & bin/panic.log file *
SDK 的 sdk.log file
- chainmaker-go version * : [v2.3.4]
- OS & version * : ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64, Linux version 5.15.0-119-generic