节点启动时,共识报错 2023-02-22 22:49:52.863 [DEBUG] [Consensus] @chain2 runtime/asm_amd64.s:1371 [4e746b4a57506169] receive message {676178704345446b->4e746b4a57506169 MsgHeartbeat Term:4 Log:0/0 Commit:575} 2023-02-22 22:49:52.864 [INFO] [Consensus] @chain2 v3@v3.5.0-beta.4/node.go:356 4e746b4a57506169 [term: 1] received a MsgHeartbeat message with higher term from 676178704345446b [term: 4] 2023-02-22 22:49:52.864 [INFO] [Consensus] @chain2 v3@v3.5.0-beta.4/raft.go:871 4e746b4a57506169 became follower at term 4 2023-02-22 22:49:52.864 [PANIC] [Consensus] @chain2 v3@v3.5.0-beta.4/raft.go:1508 tocommit(575) is out of range [lastIndex(4)]. Was the raft log corrupted, truncated, or lost?